Business Liaison Groups

Two business liaison groups (BLGs) have been established to represent the wide range of businesses in and around the project area. These groups provide a forum to hear about the project, exchange ideas and identify opportunities to work together.

Our BLGs seek to advance the interests and preparedness of business for the construction of North East Link. Their local perspective, particularly in relation to minimising and mitigating the impacts to businesses, are vital as we move into project construction.

Applications to join the Northern BLG are open. If you have a strong sense of business acumen and connections to local networks we want to hear from you. Submit an online application.

Northern Business Liaison Group

The Northern Business Liaison Group (NBLG) provides a forum for consultation and information-sharing between our key contractors and local business as we deliver North East Link and the M80 Ring Road Completion.

The group provides opportunities for local business owners, traders, and representatives to have their say and share their knowledge and expertise to help minimise construction impacts to businesses.

Applications to join the NBLG are open. If you'd like to be involved, submit your application using the online form.

To find out more, read the Northern Business Liaison Group Terms of Reference.

The NBLG is independently chaired by Jeni Coutts.

To contact us, email or call 1800 105 105.

Meeting minutes

Southern Business Liaison Group

The Southern Business Liaison Group (SBLG) provides a forum for consultation and information-sharing between our key contractors and local business as we deliver North East Link and the Eastern Freeway Upgrades.

The group provides opportunities for local business owners, traders, and representatives to have their say and share their knowledge and expertise to help minimise construction impacts to businesses.

To find out more, read the Southern Business Liaison Group Terms of Reference.

Meeting minutes

Bulleen Industrial Zone Business Liaison Group

The Bulleen Industrial Zone Business Liaison Group was formed to represent businesses in the Bulleen Industrial Zone (BIZ). The Business Liaison Group (BLG) was actively involved throughout the planning, approvals and acquisition process.

The BIZ BLG was independently chaired by Mike Marasco.

Meeting minutes

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